garden & harvest 2010

garden 2010:

my garden as of september 2, 2010:

harvest 2010:

one of my long term goals is to continually improve upon my food production and storage. i want to grow a bit more, harvest a bit more, and freeze/can a bit more every year. i don't have a scale, which makes it hard for me to weigh my veggies and know exactly how much i am bringing in. there isn't really enough to make it worth weighing anyway (yet). my unit of choice for measuring yields is the 4-litre ice cream pail :D

so far in 2010 i have harvested:
-2 pails raspberries (from my garden)
-2 pails strawberries (from a u-pick near town, the strawberry ranch)
-1 pail saskatoon berries (from an organic u-pick near my parents' acreage)
-.5 pail blueberries (from the research site i worked on this spring)
-ten billion pails apples -- really, i have no idea (from my garden)
-1 pail green beans (from my garden)
-2.5 pails pickling cukes (okay, i didn't harvest these, a friend at university gifted them to me)

and i have made:
-2 L plus 3 ice cube trays applesauce
-15 fruit crisps: apple, apple-strawberry, apple-strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry, and apple-blueberry
-3 ice cube trays basil-hemp pesto
-12 jars dill pickles
-popsicles: pineapple-raspberry, strawberry juice

what i still have to make:
-more pesto
-raspberry jam
-apple jelly?