useful links

saskatoon/saskatchewan-specific resources:
saskatoon farmer's market - best place to purchase local food directly from farmers/producers.
steep hill co-op - local, organic, and fair trade groceries tucked away in a cozy, friendly little co-op. great way to become involved, learn about relevant groups and events, and run into like-minded people.
saskatoon public library
city of saskatoon recycling and composting information
meewasin valley authority
prairie garden seeds -

climate change:
saskadapt - saskatchewan region-specific data assessments on climate change.
climate change saskatchewan - includes information and resources for individuals, educators, and communities.

vegan and localfood recipes:

permaculture and green building:
a low impact woodland home.
building a low-impact roundhouse.
chicken tractor gallery.

car-free living:
city of saskatoon public transit - includes routes & schedules.
urban camping - a calgary couple with small children who have lived car-free since 1998. their self-published book is full of tips and examples of realistic excursions their family makes on a regular basis.

the simple dollar: financial talk for the rest of us.
the story of stuff.